
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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Devika Jyothi said...

A slumbering spring?? Wake up, land, wake up :)

Nice photo, though :)


Lorraine said...

No kidding Dev, it's just not stopping and for your info, March is the storm month, I wonder just how much can we get, on the other hand, it's warm, 0 degree, almost tropical ;)

Devika Jyothi said...

okay...for now stay and cosy inside; once storm is over bring us spring :)


Devika Jyothi said...

I said stay 'warm' and cosy :)


Magyar said...

__March can be a pain in the snow shovel! But spring is waking up, and I have it's coffee a-bruin!

Brian Miller said...

yeah, march is suppoed to be a tough one this year..there is a wicked thick fog here this AM...swallowing everything...

Kathy said...

I'm trying so hard to see the beauty in it and behave myself! I know Spring will pass quickly and I'll be complaining about the summer heat!

Frank... said...

At the moment in England, it is drizzly and grey. The weather is so unpredictable of late. Your picture would make a lovely postcard, Lorraine...

The Dark Lord said...

This is superb.. you can either be anticipating the beginning of spring, or lamenting on its prolonged absence, that is compounded by wintery bitterness. I love how you leave so much scope for a variety of interpretation.

TALON said...

That's what it looks like around here today. If nothing else, the snow sure looks pretty. I hope Spring is hiding in there somewhere and is prepared to come out quickly!

Margie said...

I love your photo, Lorraine.
But I am a real snow lover!

Spring will be here soon for you, I'm hoping anyway!
Sending you some of our beautiful sunshine today.
It's the most gorgeous sunny day here & I am so loving it!
Very little snow here at this time.

Margie :)

Percy Bisque Silley said...

Indeed, two days later the Snow doth persist.

Sir Frank: "Grey" is a louvely spelling. Are ye Knighted then?

Sir Percy Bisque Silley (Knighted)

gautami tripathy said...

I like this picture perfect post!

T.Migratorius said...

wonderful in every way!

Seraphine said...

oh my gosh!
i can post here again!
it's a miracle.

and yes, spring will have its day soon. maybe not soon enough, but it will come as surely as tomorrow. the sun isn't yet halfway through its lifespan, there is much more ahead than what has transpired.

Lorraine said...

Oh Doug you say the sweetest thing, I love that coffee is a-bruin :)

Brian that is a mega photo shoot of course there's always the risk of being run down, still ;)

Ditto Kathy, however I will not, I repeat will not ever again say "Gosh I'd rather have a snow storm' during extreme heat, I've eaten crow and I shall shut up!

What a beautiful compliment, thanks Frank :)

ah Tdl so bright so wonderful, so nice to have you here :)

I know the feelin' Talon, I mean, it has to stop at one point, doesn't it?

You're right about that Margie, snow is pretty, it's the colder than hell that really gets to your bones...snow takes lovely photos too lol

Sexy Tri-focals, I doth love thy visit, and that thou speaketh to my other dainty visitors, it doth pleases me, come again :)

Hey Gautami, right after Sir Silley, thanks for braving the storm ;)

Thanks so much Robin, it's lovely to see you again :) you're like a bringer of springn :)

Oh I am so happy to see you my little cosmic girl, I've missed you like spring , well maybe not that much, but you get me ;)

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

...but, it is so beautiful...and you will have plenty of water come summer.

Lorraine said...

It's really wonderful to have you visit again Lynne, and you are wise :)

Jannie said...

Lovely snowy pictures. proper winter!

Lorraine said...

Wow Jannie, it's a true pleasure, you visited, how neat of you x