
Saturday, March 20, 2010

I gave everything
There is nothing
but ashes to start over
ashes can't be rekindled but can be re-created
I even want to
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namaki said...

tel un Phénix qui renaîtra de ses cendres ;-)

Percy Bisque Silley said...

Q'est'que veut dire Namaki? Une bon mot peut etre? Ou une "platitued" sur La Phenix mort et preque en ciel comme grand ousseux?

J'aime La Francais, c'est un Langue que je parle mais justement un petit. Je l'etudie en ecole secondaire, quand mon professeur il dit, "Monsieur Silley! Vous avez un accent tres bon!" parceque je parle avec mon nez et aussi je disais "rrrrrrr" quand il faut necessaire. J'etais tres fier!

Maintenant je crois que mon Francais et comme le Phenix autour la ciel!



PS: Nous allons tous tres bien.

TALON said...

This made me sad, Lorraine. And when the ashes are scattered is there any hope?

Lorraine said...

Je l'espere ma chere Namaki ;)

Dieu Seigneur et Percy, Faith, I feel a summer theme coming on, c'est merveilleux, c'est inoubliable c'est rrrrrrrrrcck and rrrrroll, merci merci et a bientot mon petit coco!

well Talon, I think we're made of hope,we have to be don't we? et merci mademoiselle!

Timoteo said...

When we live in the past, we have allowed the present to slip away.

Lorraine said...

What past Sir Tim, mine's cinder...

ArleneWKW said...

There's sadness, but also hope, in this one. The sadness had a visceral feel for me.

Gillena Cox said...

wow Lorraine; ashes was the kigo for CKK 11; you would have fitted in nicely
i email you the link when the results have been posted

much love

Margie said...

I feel the sadness but also the hope.
Very deep and moving, my dear!

Margie :)

Margie said...

For you Lorraine.
Just wanted to share this with you before I hit the sack (oh, that wonderful sack, I so need my sleep as it was a very long day!)


Words and pictures have
colors and music
And wisdom and joy
as well ...
How lovely I think
that your words and pictures are
There are no words
to tell.

-Margie :)

Seraphine said...

this is my favorite post of yours lorraine. i love the poem, it resonates. i think of how ashes get when they get wet. and yes, once something is ash, it will never be the same.
and the photo- its beautiful too. i like the circle of color in the middle.

Lorraine said...

I can see how Arlene :)

Thank you for the lovely compliment Gillena, Iknow nothing about the many forms of poetry but if you can copy it and enter it in your contest, go ahead, and thank you :)

That is so beautiful Margie, very very beautiful thank you :)

Ww thank you so much Sera, that means a lot to me :)

Seraphine said...

you're welcome. it came from my heart.

Lorraine said...

means a lot t me Sera, I hopeyou're doing ok!