
Monday, April 19, 2010

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Kathy said...

Love the soft peaceful feel of this picture.

Anne said...

Love this picture of the house. With lots of fixing up, what a lovely house it would be to live in with such peaceful srroundings.

TALON said...

There's something about old and battered buildings that gets to me...

Lorraine said...

I love this place Kathy, so much, it's falling right in front of my eyes...

I totally agree Anne, wish I were a millionnaire :)

Me too Talon plus the sheer charm of the place and the evegreen that seem to protect it...

Brian Miller said...

nice. i too like old buildings...even incorprated one we found as a youngster into my tale much history in those nails...

Lorraine said...

I know, and you know Brian it's two feet to the marina, it could be put to such good use, used to be a museum, darn shame it closed!

Percy Bisque Silley said...

I love nails and old battered buildings!

Lorraine said...

Me too Sir Percy, I dream sometimes that someone leaves it to me ...fooolish dreams but oh so sweet

namaki said...

c'est là que tu passes des vacances ? ;-)

Ralf Bröker said...

The question is: what did 'ye do from autumn to spring? Well, everybody did that. But you pay the price. To me, this a metaphoric verse about getting old, lost chances and things we have to do. Like getting up every time we fall. Whether in summer or not.

Best wishes

Lorraine said...

Namaki, pas tout a fait, mais je marche devant souvent :) ca compte?

Love it Ralf, always you know.

Timoteo said...

Watch that first step--it's a killer!

Lorraine said...

Very wise Tim that first step is indeed the first fall :)