
Thursday, January 12, 2012


Frank... said...

Lovely post, Lorraine. Had to re-jig my settings so couldn't post yesterday.

Brian Miller said...

this has been an unusual snow here yet...they are saying it might be this weekend...its been so warm here...

Ralf Bröker said...

No snow here either. Could become the warmest winter ever since recording the weather dates ... fine aphotism, Lorraine.

Anonymous said...

We are finally getting snow today, but only about 6 inches so far. Nothing like what you have in this shot.

Magyar said...

__Rained all day here... near the 'Cape Cod Ditch' as I refer to the 'Canal', a very comfortless day.
__As a total, we've had about 2 inches of quickly melted snow(s) this season.
__Perhaps we'll see some... "Summer Snow?"

As always LL. _m

Margie said...

We don't have any snow here and it's been quite warm!
Very unusual for Colorado!

Gorgeous photo!

Lorraine said...

Hey Frank , i Had a lot of problems yesterday, must have been your fault lol or rather blogger's thank you very much

Hey Brian I'm not much what we've had most so far snow or ice pellets or freezing rain, pretty but nasty

Ralph thanks so much really I did an aphotism...'got to look it up ;)

Sandy we've had everything, I mean everything, snow, icepellets freezing rain it's always one or the other

At this point dear Doug, I expect anything :)

Margie the elements are apparently going where they damn please, obviously, poor angel or should I say lucky angel