
Saturday, January 14, 2012


Frank... said...

Wow! what a magnificent sunrise, Lorraine. The colours are stunning...

Brian Miller said...

i missed it today...ha...a lot of time i catch it as i sit in morning meditation but...the fam is out of town so i slept in...

namaki said...

des couleurs magnifiques pour accueillir une belle journée ! keep running and you'll catch it !

Sam!! said...


Hope you doing great there..:)


Margie said...

I'm totally in awe!
This is just too beautiful, Lorraine.

Lorraine said...

What in the world is this reply or delete thing, it doesn't even work = blogger idiots anyhoo

Thanks very much Frank

Hey Brian do it when you can, I'm sure it'snot often lol

Merci beaucoup Dominique et bnne annee!

Hey Sam, I'd be doing better if blogger didn't keep on messing up my responses and stpping me from cmmentint arrrrgh

Thanks Angel, I'm having a lot of trouble with blogger, hope it stops soon, I can barely visit anyoone of respond to my commets,let'shope this one works

Margie said...

Lorraine, hope Blogger stops acting up!
I've had no problem but I know others besides you are!

Lorraine said...

well Brian gave me a few solutions, seeems to be working, I hope