In continuation of the previous...remove our own mental blocks, lot many ways open up, Lorraine, and I know you too know that :)
if we are physically seeking a way out from between earth and sky...perhaps it doesn't open before its times...and all are enclosed in that prison space...but then it isn't as small as we think?
In continuation of the previous...remove our own mental blocks, lot many ways open up, Lorraine, and I know you too know that :)
if we are physically seeking a way out from between earth and sky...perhaps it doesn't open before its times...and all are enclosed in that prison space...but then it isn't as small as we think?
*perhaps it doesn't open before its time
what a revealation; to stand firm; soak in the beauty of your instant and to share; livening other lifes as you have done;
much love...
better to stick around...running does get old eventually...smiles.
A lovely picture with a brooding sky...
I love the photo, so beautiful!
I think we all kind of feel that way now and then.
It's snowing here now, so beautiful but very cold!
Happy day to you, Lorraine. x
Dev perhaps not, I'm glad you're back gosh, I missed you :)
Gillena that's beautiful :)
Aint' that the truth
Thanks angel
Such a lovely photo.
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