See Buffy is wise last season ending she ended up killing her lover Angel just as he gets his soul back, that's a kick in the pants, but do you see emptying the fridge and the cupboards, comfort food for Buffy....Food for thought
ps I am in no way responsible for this violence except perhaps, well I'm almost out of food...I don't like cat food, I tried once regretted it since...
I still think about all of you....not in a violence, not me, nuh huh
6 comments: food...ack....
glad its not in violence you know...smiles...
are you really almost out of food?
Don't go without food woman. You need a man to come kill your food for you.
the taste
of this perfect fruit
you're too kind Brian , yes I have food and lots of bread, eggs, salmon, apple sauce, but I have a cold so not eating as much and yet the weight goes that's 'cause I have to take pills 'cause I have a HYPERTHYROID, so getting fat, don't mind it so much you know the chocolate lol
Bama I don't eat meat sweety but you can roughly pull at carrots
well you are a poet and don't I know it...sorry there was nothing abut food and my brain is muffled
gag...I wouldn't be trying the cat food L. I did eat a MilkBone on a dare, many years ago arf,arf....LOL!!!
It tasted so gross, btw.
Hugs, G :<)
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