
Sunday, April 29, 2012

better than comfort food?

See Buffy is wise last season ending she ended up killing her lover Angel just as he gets his soul back,  that's a kick in the pants, but do you see emptying the fridge and the cupboards, comfort food for Buffy....Food for thought

ps I am in no way responsible for this violence except perhaps, well I'm almost out of food...I don't like cat food, I tried once regretted it since...

I still think about all of you....not in a violence, not me, nuh huh


Brian Miller said... food...ack....

glad its not in violence you know...smiles...

are you really almost out of food?

Anonymous said...

Don't go without food woman. You need a man to come kill your food for you.

Magyar said...

the taste
of this perfect fruit


Lorraine said...

you're too kind Brian , yes I have food and lots of bread, eggs, salmon, apple sauce, but I have a cold so not eating as much and yet the weight goes that's 'cause I have to take pills 'cause I have a HYPERTHYROID, so getting fat, don't mind it so much you know the chocolate lol

Bama I don't eat meat sweety but you can roughly pull at carrots

Lorraine said...

well you are a poet and don't I know it...sorry there was nothing abut food and my brain is muffled

Geraldine said...

gag...I wouldn't be trying the cat food L. I did eat a MilkBone on a dare, many years ago arf,arf....LOL!!!

It tasted so gross, btw.

Hugs, G :<)