
Thursday, May 31, 2012


Anonymous said...


Brian Miller said...

smiles...lovely capture of the plays well on the bricks...

Gillena Cox said...

nicely done

much love...

Anthony Duce said...

And a flower too... Very nice.

Anthony Duce said...

And a flower too... Very nice.

Frank... said...

A lovely post, Lorraine - I like it a lot - you are a very excellent photographer...

TALON said...

Beautiful shot, Lorraine. Light and shadow - one could not exist if not for the other. Loved this!

Lorraine said...

Bama XO

Thanks very much Brian

Thanks so much Gillena

I appreciate your visit here Anthony

What a lovely compliment Frank thank you very much

Oh Talon sweetie, how are you I think of you often and hope that you can find some release from your pain and thank you for dropping in

Margie said...

So beautiful just like you!
Love the new profile picture!

Never online these days but I have not forgotten you, will never do that!

Margie xx

Lorraine said...

Margie you will always be an angel undercover or not, enjoy our princess

Maria Garcia said...

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