
Saturday, June 16, 2012


Brian Miller said...

who ever we were, it does not dictate who we are today...the hardest is forgiving ourselves....and thenmoving forward...lovely pic...

TALON said...

Please don't be so hard on yourself, Lorraine. Who you were (even if only yesterday) is not who you are today.

Geraldine said...

I agree with both comments above. It's hard to forgive ourselves sometimes but we have to. Live and learn...that's what it's all about, for all of us.


Leovi said...

wonderful, like an explosion of joy.

Lorraine said...

Hi Brian no I thought there were never enough Love or people to help and it broke me, you take care of youserlf your work is the kind that kind burn you to cinder, take care ok?

Yes Iam although I've accepted that i had to stop to breathe, thanks always Sandy

G. I have trouble forgiving myself because I can no longer help, anyone ever, but I love your wisdom

That's beautiful, thanks Leovi