
Thursday, June 28, 2012

other side of the beautiful coin

and my sweet Mike, Most Venerable Mikey Monkey, ah such innocence
I know the litter box was starting to smell and at the end of the month well you know money is short
so I had put away at least a little less than half, so that when it become too stinky I went to get the bag poured it into the litter only to find out that my Venerable Mikey had been there before me right in the
bag ah the stinker, here he is


Anonymous said...

at least he knows where to go, hahaha

Frank... said...

A very nice post, Lorraine. A sleek cat...

Lorraine said...

not where I want him to gofor sure . i would have preferred he did it in the floor easy to clean up, little scamp

yes he is thans a lot Frank

Brian Miller said...

haha he was taking care of himself...smiles...that first pic is just lovely L

Geraldine said...

Mr. Cheddar totally approves! Although when he's pouring something here, it's usually kibble LOL. Gotta keep those litter boxes clean, cats are such clean animals. Cleaner than a lot of the humans I've known LOL.

Hugs my dear, G :<)

PS: What a cutie Mickey is.

Lorraine said...

I knw lol little bugger and thank you very much always

G I totally agree I tried 3 litter boxes, yet they still use only one...go figure, usually when I have no finc'l problems which well is rarer by the minute I change it at least twice a week. If I coul I'd change once a day and isn't he though he's a prince really lol

Leovi said...

I love their exquisite colors, beautiful flowers and great pictures.

TALON said...

Mikey is gorgeous, Lorraine! And don't we wish that kitty litter boxes smelled as gorgeous as that lily looks ;)

My browser is behaving again! Yay! :)

Lorraine said...

Thanks very much Leovi, always

isn't it though little monkey, no kidding Imean if they can inventgood smelling laundy although there's always the risk they might try to eat it who knows?

My browser has become a swear word around here....arrhhhghgh txs sweety

Anonymous said...

ce chat est malin.....

Lisabella Russo said...

Beautiful flower! How elegant your kitty is, even on top of the dryer!

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