
Friday, March 26, 2010

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Gillena Cox said...

setting sun
an eeirie glow of thought
interprets the skyscape

much love

Lorraine said...

Oh I love yours so much better, although technically it's a rising sun...I really Love yours better, it's perfect for the photo, wow you impress me!!!!In fact, it's so perfect, feel free to copy the photo, put your words in with the minor correction and put it on your blog, where it rightfully belongs, we'll call it a collaboration, photo by Lorraine...what do you say? Gosh you've turned my thought into sheer poetry...

TALON said...

We had the sudden fall today. I'm soooo over wiinter temps. Both you and Gillena have captured the essence of your beautiful photo, Lorraine.

Margie said...

Sudden fall here also (a few days ago)
But today it will warm up.
Breathtaking shot, Lorraine.
Love it!
Your verse and Gillena's are excellent!

Margie :)

Lorraine said...

I appreciate that Talon, you're very kind and it's still darned cold here :)

You are always such a doll, ps I'll be happy to send you any photo you like, but I don't have your email address anymore because I cancelled my if you can respond to my sympatico address, I'll have yours and can forwards photos ll

Gillena Cox said...

Humble bow and thanks to all who prompted this

'Unreal' - the Renaud/Cox collaboration March 26th 2010

much love

Brian Miller said...

i was enjoying the nice spring and it go cold and wet today....brrrr...

missed you as well lorraine.

Seraphine said...

i know you are talking about the seasons, but i'm afraid of falling. there are several websites dedicated to falling from airplanes and surviving (really!), and that scares me to death. figuratively speaking.

Lorraine said...

I love what you did Gillena, it's splendid ;)

It's still so cold, but we know it will change, the question is when? won't be soon enough Thanks Brian :)

Sera, strange feeling to fall isn't it, fell from a horse once who dragged for a while, dropped into a coma (me, not the horse ;), and got a fractured skull. I don't remember any of it, but I like my feet on solid ground ;)